Sunday, February 17, 2019

Balance is important in any sport. There needs to be a balance between offense and defense. There needs to be a balance between fast and slow play. If the game is tilted too much towards either the offense or the defense, then the game is less interesting. If the pace of the game is too fast or two slow, then the game seems less compelling.

For instance, if basketball players are unable to score then the game seems boring. Fans life offense. If a game has too few points, then the fans may lose interest. The creation of the 24 second shot clock helped to speed up the game. Before the creation of the 24 second shot clock, teams would sometimes take too much time on offense.

If the game is too slow, then the athleticism of the players seems hidden. However, if the game is too fast, then the game seems like a blur. It becomes difficult to appreciate.

There always needs to be a balance between these two extremes. When played in a balanced manner, the game of basketball is one of the best sports around. Basketball can be a great platform for athleticism, strategy and agility.

Today's NBA is not balanced. Teams try and score in seven seconds or less, which takes away from the movement of the basketball. It also gives offensive players less time to move without the basketball, to set screens and to come off of screens. A game that is too fast paced takes away from the poetry and appeal of the game.

Additionally, there is too much offense and not enough defense in the modern NBA. Too many shots go uncontested. Too often the defensive players give up on a play and allow a player to proceed without resistance to the basket. Simply put, the game is not as good as it could be.

The NBA front office along with ownership and general managers need to consider how they can make the game more balanced. They need to consider all ways in which they could bring more defense back into the game. Here are a few things that they could consider.

First, they could abolish the three point shot permanently. Or they could remove the three point shot for a year to see how it goes.NBA players take too many three point shots. This leads to a lack of creativity on offense. It leads to quick shots and a lack of ball movement.

It also seems that more players have become proficient at making three point shots. They are so good at making the shots, that the league has considered moving back the shot in order to make it more difficult. However, it may be better to simply do away with the shot altogether.

Currently, defenders have too much space to guard. They have to come out to the perimeter too often. Offensive players can make long range shots, or they can take the defenders off of the dribble, go by them and score. NBA observers have said the the players still give strong effort on defense. However, the defenders simply have too much area to guard. It seems that each defender has to guard both the perimeter and the interior. This leads to fatigue and tiredness on the defensive end.

In the past, offensive roles were more defined. Centers and power forwards would post up down low close to the basket or they would move in the paint and call for the basketball. Centers and power forwards would put their hands up in the paint and get the attention of the point guard. Defenders would try and deny the pass to the center or the power forward. They would put their hand in front of the offensive player and try and deny the pass. They would try and knock the pass away. So, the role of the offensive and defensive player was more defined and specific. If the center or power forward received the ball and shot, then the defender would contest the shot and box out for a rebound.

On the perimeter, defenders would guard the point guard and make sure that he did not penetrate into the lane or dish off to an open player. Defenders had to deny the shooting guard the basketball, contest their shots and block them out if they shot. Also, defensive players had to guard shooting guards who would set screens or come off of screens.

Small forwards would often look for mid range shots. They would play in between areas which were manned by the guards and the power forwards and the centers.

Each offensive and defensive player had specific roles and responsibilities. There was true balance to the NBA. However, in today's game any player can shoot from the perimeter. Sometimes 3 to 5 players are out on the perimeter. It seems that any player on the court or at least 3 to 4 players can make three point shots. The game is simply less balanced. There is less of an emphasis on the interior, and too much of an emphasis on the perimeter. In today's game, the defenders have too much area to guard because they have to contest three point shots and make sure that the offensive player does not go past them towards the basket.

If the NBA abolished the three point shot permanently or for a year, then the game would be more balanced. There would be no incentive for teams to shoot from beyond the arc because each shot would be worth two points. Each shot would be considered equal. This could lead to centers and power forwards re assuming their traditional roles as interior players. Then defenders would be able return to their traditional and more defines roles as well.

Sports is more than a form of entertainment. Sport is one of the highest expressions of talent and accomplishment possible. We are fortunate in the modern world to have so many good sports. We are fortunate to be able to witness so many compelling and interesting sporting events.

However, if sport loses a sense of balance, then the sport becomes more difficult to watch. Eventually, it becomes less popular. Eventually, the connection between the past, present and future becomes more tenuous.

Besides abolishing the three point shot, there are other ways that the NBA could improve defense in the league.

For instance, the NBA could bring back hand checking. This was removed from the NBA in 2003. Hand checking allowed the defensive player to play assertive defense against the offensive players. Hand checking allowed the defensive player to offer greater resistance to the offensive player.

Additionally, the referees need to call traveling when an offensive player travels. Some travelling violations are obvious, yet the referee does not call it. Sometimes a player takes 4 or 5 steps to the basket, and travelling is not called. This is unacceptable.

Playing defense requires a sense of urgency and pride. Playing defense requires commitment and assertiveness. Playing defense requires effort and determination.

Defense is an important part of basketball. The NBA needs to do more to help the defense. The games in the NBA need to become more balanced.

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