Saturday, December 2, 2017

The Sedin twins have been role models both on and off the hockey rink

Henrik Sedin and Daniel Sedin are twin brothers who play hockey for the Vancouver Canucks. Henrik serves as the team captain, while Daniel is the alternative captain. Henrik is the all time leading scorer for the Canucks with 1031 points, and Daniel is second all time with 998 points.

Henrik is first all time in assists, while Daniel is second all time in assists. Daniel is the organization's all time goal scorer with 375 total goals. Henrik ranks second with 239 all time goals. Henrik has played in 1271 games as a Canuck. Daniel has played in 1248 games with Vancouver. No player has played in more games for Vancouver than the Sedin brothers.

Both players were taken in the first round of the 1999 draft. Daniel was taken second overall,and Henrik was selected one pick after. They have spent their entire careers in Vancouver. They would like to finish their careers playing for the Canucks. They are both in their 17th season with the team.

This season is the final one of their current contract. So, many have speculated that the brothers may leave after a this year. However, Henrik and Daniel wrote a letter that appeared on the "Players Tribune" website. The letter reassured the Canuck fans that they want to finish their careers in Vancouver.

The letter features alternating comments from both brothers. Daniel said "When I think of Vancouver, I think about one thing: home...We had no idea what our potential could be, or how long we would stay. But we have grown into men in this city, we have raised our children here, and we have made so many memories over the years." Henrik confirmed Daniel's words when he wrote "we are Swedes, but this is our home."

When explaining why the brothers wanted to remain in Vancouver, Daniel said "If we are going to win a Stanley Cup, if we are going to achieve our dream, we'd only want it to be in Vancouver. If we did it anywhere else, I don't think it would feel the same." Winning the Stanley Cup is not the only goal for Henrik and Daniel. They want to win the Stanley Cup in Vancouver for the Canucks. This is the only NHL organization that they have ever played for. They consider Vancouver to be their home. They want to win it for their home team.

Henrik continued by saying "We are Swedes, but this is our home." Henrik went on to tell the story about the first time that he and his brother went on a bike ride. They were avid bike riders in Sweden, and they brought that hobby with them to Vancouver. Henrik told how the brothers would go on bike rides early in the morning. Henrik discussed biking "almost three kilometers straight up Grouse Mountain." He discussed how challenging and rewarding the experience was. Henrik said"coming down mountain in the gondola with a coffee in your hand is the best feeling in the world. You can see all of Vancouver as the sun is coming up. There's nothing better than that. It never gets old. I don't know how to describe it. It's just home."

In the letter, the brothers went on to describe some of the players that they played with in Vancouver. The letter also describes their growth as players and how their roles changed through the years. Henrik discussed how the brothers transitioned from role players to leaders in 2008. Henrik also mentioned how the entire city of Vancouver supported the team during the 2011 Stanley Cup run.

In 2014 a panel convened to name the greatest Canuck in the history of the franchise. The panel chose Henrik. He was chosen because of his excellent play and his consistent leadership.

Ed Wilkes, writing for "The Province" newspaper, writes that "Henrik's greatest strength lies in his ability to make those around him better." Wilkes points out that there were many players who had their best seasons playing along side Henrik.

In addition to his excellent play and exceptional leadership, Wilkes cites Henrik's strong character off of the ice. Wilkes says " Think of the way he's carried himself on and off the ice. Think of his impact on the community. Again, we're talking about the greatest Canuck of all time and the collective weight of everything Henrik has accomplished here makes him the clear choice." The Canuck organization, fans and media have a strong appreciation for the impact He rik has made on the organization and the Vancouver community.

Wilkes showed appreciation for the personal and athletic growth of Henrik and Daniel. Wilkes says "The Sedins never met a challenge they couldn't outwork and that was the basis of their transformation from support players to bona fide stars. They became bigger and stronger, enabling them to hold the puck longer in their trademark recycling game. They added a stride to their skating, making them as dangerous off the break as in their half court game. They did this through application and perseverance, all awhile maintaining an unimpeachable standard of personal conduct." So, the improvement of both players, their athletic leadership and their strong character have helped them to overcome their challenges and make a strong impact upon the team and the community. Wilkes also points out that that Henrik was chosen as team captain before the 2010-11 season. He is someone that the team respects and learns from.

Both Henrik and Daniel grew as players. They developed their skills and strength over time. When they arrived from Sweden they were young players who had raw talent, but were not strong enough to be impact players. They also needed to develop skills that were necessary to be successful in the NHL. However, over time, they became stronger and adapted themselves to the rigors and challenges of the NHL.

Grant Lawerence of "Westender" says when the twins played their first season in 2000 "they didn't have the immediate impact that other Canucks superstars like Pavel Bure and Trevor Linden did. But little by little, with the reliability of a twin turbo Volvo, the twins put up numbers and eventually turned most of the linemates into scoring stars." Henrik and Daniel made the players around them better. They helped those around them to find more scoring opportunities. They helped the other players to develop their talents and abilities.

Lawrence says "Playing an honest, clean game of outrageous puck possession, the likes of which the league had rarely seen before, Henrik and Daniel rose through the ranks of the Canucks and the league, becoming first line, league leading stars." Rarely had the NHL seen two players more talented than the Sedin twins. They gradually became better players who earned more respect from the Vancouver organization and from the NHL.

Lawrence goes on by saying "Pretty much every team in the NHL adopted their patented slap-pass. They won scoring races and MVP awards, and have been nothing but prime examples of commitment and poise on and off the ice." Their inovated slap pass was something that other teams accepted and incorporated into their offensive style. The Sedin twins received individual accolades because of their outstanding performances.

The Sedin brothers are also known for their innovative approach to hockey. Jeff Argos writes "It seems that each summer they come back to Vancouver with a new trick, a new set play, or a new skill set in their offensive arsenal." Henrik and Daniel try to grow as players every off season. They want to start the new season as improved players. They want to be able to help Vancouver as much as possible. Every offseason they try and improve their skill set and strengthen their approach to the game.

Argos points out that Henrik is the best in the NHL at the "behind the Net Behind the Back Pass." As Henrik is skating in back of the net, the goalie will watch him because he has the hockey" puck. Then Henrik will pass the puck behind his back to an open player who has a shot at an open area of the net. This skill has made Henrik a dangerous player around the net.

According to Argos, the Sedin brothers also do a great job on the "Power Play Zone Entry." Angus says that Henrik and Daniel employ this technique better than anybody because they "position a player (usually Daniel) right on the blue line, on his strong side Henrik will take a pass, quickly skate in , and open up ice behind him for Henrik. It's a subtle move, but one that is near impossible to defend against." So, the innovative style of the Sedin brothers make it difficult for defenders and goalies. Their offensive repertoire makes them impactful difference makers on the ice.

The Sedin brothers have made a positive difference both on and off the ice. They have helped the Vancouver Canucks to be a competitive hockey team and they have contributed to the Vancouver community. They have adopted Vancouver as their home, and Vancouver has adopted them as well. In addition to being outstanding hockey players, Argos says "They are both humble, mild mannered, clean players who do an immense amount of charity work and are fantastic human beings off the ice."

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