Friday, March 30, 2018

Some announcers capture the moment perfectly

As the clock ticked down in the 1980 winter Olympic semi final hockey game between the United States and the Soviet Union,broadcaster Al Michaels perfectly combined the ticking down of the clock with the amazement of the moment. Michaels enthusiastically proclaimed "4,3,2,1...Do you believe in miracles? Yes!" Michaels portrayed the excitement well by implying that the United States' victory was miraculous.

Few events capture the imagination quite like miracles. In sports, unexpected occurrences are ofen seen as miracles or events which defy expectations or cause us to suspend belief. Sometimes announcers capture amazing moments very well. In this case, Michaels captured the moment very well by announcing naturally what came to his mind. The call did not seem rehearsed, but rather seemed natural.

A good sports announcer realizes that the event is about the teams or athletes in the event. A sporting event is not about the announcer. A good announcer helps the television or radio audience to focus on the moment and to appreciate it more. The best calls are natural and unrehearsed. The best calls capture the excitement of the moment.

In game 1 of the 1988 World Series between the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Oakland Athletics, Dodger Kirk Gibson hit a dramatic game winning homerun. Gibson had been injured for much of the season, and he was not expected to play in this game. However, now he was entering the game as a pinch hitter with a chance to win the game against Dennis Eckersley, the game's best closer. Don Drysdale, Vin Scully and Jack Buck all called the game for different outlets. All three made memorable calls which captured the majesty of the moment.

As Gibson's home run sailed over the wall, Drysdale said "And a drive into right field. Way back! The ball is gone!" After pausing for several seconds as the crowd cheered, Drysdale said "This crowd will not stop...They can't believe the ending. And this time, mighty Casey did not strike out!" Drysdale's call showed apppreciation for the crowd's response and alluded to a famous poem about baseball. Most home run calls do not include a literary allusion. However, in this case, Drysdale's allusion and his call fit the moment.

Scully, the long time Dodger radio announcer, also gave a memorable call. As Gibson hit his homerun, Scully said "High fly ball into right field.She is gone." A simple description of the homerun, which did not overshadow the moment. Then after being quiet for a moment to allow the crowd noise to be appreciated, Scully said "In a year that had been so improbable, the impossible has happened." Scully put Gibson's home run within the context of an improbable season for the Dodgers- a team that was not a World Series favorite when the season began.

Buck's call is also memorable. As Gibson's home run cleared the right field wall, Buck said "Unbelievable! A home run for Gibson, and the Dodgers have won the game 5-4. I don't believe what I just saw!" Buck expresses incredulity about the memorable moment. By doing so, he joins the disbelief of the crowd and television and radio audience. In this instance, the broadcaster and the audience achieved a unique and memorable kinship.

When Joe Carter hit a home run to win the 1993 World Series for the Toronto Blue Jays against the Philadelphia Phillies , Scully did the game for NBC sports.

As the pitch was hit by Carter, Scully said "Fast ball is hit to left field, down the line and in the corner. Home run!" Then Scully remained silent for about a minute as Carter circled the bases and got mobbed by teammates. During this time, the camera showed the jubilation of the Blue Jays and the dejection felt by the Phillies in their dugout. No words were necessary at this moment. The scenes of both sides told the whole story. If a person tuned in at that moment, he or she would realize that the Blue Jays had won the World Series.

After the minute had passed, Scully re entered the scene. Scully said "Joe Carter, who took a 2 and 0 pitch right down the middle, hits the 2 and 1 pitch over the left field wall and the Toronto Blue Jays come back with 3 in the bottom of the 9th inning to become the World Champions yet again." After a minute of silence, Scully recapped what had happened against the backdrop of a jubilant Toronto crowd.

Scully also called Hank Aaron's record setting 715th home run in a game between the Atlanta Braves and the Dodgers. Once again, Scully did the game on radio so he had to be very descriptive. As Scully called the pitch and the home run, Scully said "A fast ball is a high drive into deep left center field. Buckner goes back to the fence.. and it is gone." Aaron circled the bases and was mobbed by teammates.

After Aaron finished his home run trot, Scully resumed talking. Scully put the moment in context by saying "What a marvelous moment for baseball. What a marvelous moment for Atlanta and the state of Georgia. What a marvelous moment for the country and the world. A black man is getting a standing ovation in the Deep South for breaking the record of an all time baseball idol. And it is a great moment for all of us and particularly Henry Aaron who was met at home plate not only by every member of the Braves, but by his father and mother." Scully did a very good job of describing the scene for the radio listeners and referring to how it seemed to symbolize racial progress in the United States. He also made the radio listeners believe that it was a good moment for them as well.

In the 6th game of the 1975 World Series between the Cincinnati Reds and the Boston Red Sox, Carlton Fisk hit a game winning home run in the 12th inning to give the Red Sox the win. The home run became famous for Fisk's attempt to motion the ball fair. After Fisk hit the ball down the line in right field, the only question was whether it would be fair. It had the distance to be a home run, but no one knew if it would stay fair.

Fisk extended his hands over his head and waved his arms back and forth as if to motion the baseball to stay in fair territory. He watched the flight of the baseball as he glided up the first base line. When the ball hit the foul pole, which made it a home run, Fisk extended his hands one last time in jubilation. The Red Sox had won game 6 with a walk off home run.

Announcer Don Stockton called the game for CBS television. As Fisk hit the ball, Stockton said "There it goes, a long drive. If it stays fair...home run!" Fisk circled the bases as the Reds walked off the field. Fans ran on the field. Fisk jumped on home plate with both feet as his teammates met him at home base. As he jumped on home plate, the crowd got even louder.

After Fisk jumped on home plate, Stockton resumed his call by saying "We will have a 7th game in this 1975 World Series. Carlton Fisk becomes the first player in this series to hit one over the wall, into the net...Red Sox win it, 7-6 in extra innings." Stockton framed the game within the context of the series. He pointed out that the home run extended the series and made a 7th game necessary. Unfortunately, for the Red Sox and their fans the Reds would win game 7 and the series. Nevertheless, Fisk's home run was a memorable moment for the Red Sox and their fans.

The footage of Fisk skipping down the first base line became the opening for the television show "This Week in Baseball", a weekly program narrated by Mel Allen. May baseball fans in the 1970s and 1980s saw this footage every week. The replaying of this moment made the moment even more memorable.

In game 5 of the 1985 NLCS, Ozzie Smith, of the St.Louis Cardinals, hit a game winning home run against the Dodgers. Smith, a switch hitter, was batting left handed against Dodger pitcher Tom Niedenfuer. Smith, who had 3,009 previous at bats as a left handed hitter, had never hit a home run from the left side of the plate. Right before Smith hit this home run, the television screen gave the viewer this information.

Scully called the game for NBC sports television. As Smith hit the home run, Scully said "And that's driven to deep right field, back goes!" As Smith circled the bases, neither Scully nor commentator Joe Garagiola said anything. As Smith approached home, he leapt towards home plate where his teammates were waiting for him.

Then Scully said "The lite beer from Miller MVP needless to say is Ozzie Smith. For Joe Gariagiola, Vin Scully, we'll see you at Dodger stadium, Los Angeles." A simple way to end the telecast, but it set the scene for the next game effectively.

Scully, despite being the Dodger radio announcer, gave a very objective call. Jack Buck, doing the game on radio for KMOX, a St. Louis based radio station, was more partisan. Doing the game for a local radio station allowed Buck to be more emotional and fan friendly. As Smith hit the home run, Buck said "Smith corks one into right, down the line! It may go! Go crazy folks! Go crazy! It's a home run! And the Dodgers have won the the score of 3-2...on a home run by the Wizard! Go crazy!" Smith, known as "the wizard" because of his defensive wizardry at short stop, had won the game with his bat and sent the Cardinals' crowd into a frenzy. Buck captured the moment perfectly.

There have been many memorable games through the years. The players, teams and fans make the games memorable. However,when an announcer captures the moment well, the game seems even more memorable.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Tanking poses a problem for the NBA

The NBA has a problem with tanking. Some organizations who are out of the playoff picture purposely send out an inferior lineup so that they can lose. Each loss improves a team's chances of securing the top pick in the NBA draft.

The players do not try to lose, but the organizations employ subtle tanking techniques. Coaches may decide to rest a starter who has a minor injury or teams may acquire players from the D- League that they can develop and give playing time to. Organizations may trade good players in exchange for players with expiring contracts so that they can have more cap room for the following season. In an odd twist of fate, organizations actually purposely try and get worse.

Tanking cheats the fans who want to see a good and competitive game. However, on the plus side tanking may help a team get better in the future if they can acquire a higher draft pick. Fans can tell themselves that losing is worth it in the end.

NBA teams want to be really good or really bad. The worst place to be is in the middle. If a team is really good, it can contend for a championship. If a team is really bad, it can contend for a high draft pick. If a team is in the middle, it is stuck in mediocrity. A high draft pick gives a team hope that it can one day contend for a title. So, the temptation to tank is understandable. It's an attempt to build for the future, which sports teams all have to do.

The Philadelphia 76ers have just completed a 4-5 year process that many saw as tanking. Sam Hinkie was hired as the team's general manager in 2013. He told the team's ownership that the 76ers were a long way from winning. He believed that the 76ers should rebuild through the draft. Hinkie opted for a long range plan instead of a short range one. He was willing to sacrifice winning a moderate amount in the short term so that the team could be a championship contender in the long term.

Dan Kopf, writing for Quartz Media, says "Hinkie traded the team's best players and made no attempts to acquire players that would make it better." From 2013 to 2016, the 76ers were the worst team in the NBA. It was obvious or everyone that the team was trying to rebuild for the future. The other owners of the NBA were concerned about this approach and they put pressure on the team's ownership to change course. In response, the 76ers' ownership demoted Hinkie to an assistant and hired another general manager. Eventually, Hinkie resigned.

The 76ers' decision to tank produced four high draft picks. Joel Embid and Jahlil Okafor were taken third overall in two different drafts. Ben Simmons and Markell Fultz were chosen first overall in two separate drafts. Simmons and Embid have become two of the best players in the NBA. Okafor did not work out and is now with the Brooklyn Nets. Fultz was injured his entire rookie season, however some NBA observers believe he can be a good point guard.

Currently the 76ers are one of the best teams in the NBA's Eastern Conference. So, Hinkie's plan helped the 76ers become a better team.

Many have given a simple solution to the problem of tanking: Instead of rewarding the team with the worst record with the greatest chance of getting the top pick, give the top pick to the non playoff team with the best record. This format would create an incentive for teams to do their best. A team could try to make the playoffs, but if they did not make the playoffs, then at least they could earn the best pick or another high pick.

Or, all 32 teams could have an equal chance of getting the top pick. The current draft lottery rewards failure and penalizes success. However, if all 32 teams had an equal chance of receiving the top pick, then good teams would not be penalized with a lower pick. Also, this would reduce the temptation to tank.

A general manager needs a long range plan for rebuilding a team. It's understandable that some teams would sacrifice the present in order to be better in the future. However, it cannot be done at the expense of fair play. Teams have an obligation to send out their best lineups and to acquire the best players available for their team. Teams need a long range plan that does not include tanking.

Tom Ziller, of SBNation, makes a distinction between institutional tanking and situational tanking. Ziller says "What we have is a mix of situational tanking (what Memphis, Dallas, and Orlando are doing after falling flat on their faces early this season) and institutional tanking (what Sacramento, Phoneix, Atlanta, and Chicago came into this season doing). Add in the perennially leveled Nets and you have a nasty brew of losing." So, some teams ended up tanking because they did worse than they thought they would do. Whereas other teams knew they would struggle before they entered the season.

The large number of poor teams in the NBA this season is unprecedented. The league has never seen so many teams that have had poor seasons. Ziller says "We currently have eight teams on pace to win fewer than 30 games. That has never happened in an 82 game - NBA season." These teams are all trying to rebuild for the future, while trying to be somewhat respectable now. However, all of these teams know that the only way to truly rebuild is through the draft. Therefore, the more games that a team loses, the better chance that a team has of securing a top pick.

Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks, was recently fined $600,000 for publically suggesting that the Mavericks were tanking. The league responded by fining him and issuing a memo explaining the reason for the fine.

In the memo, NBA commissioner Adam Silver made a distinction between rebuilding a team and trying to lose on purpose. Silver emphasized that the rebuilding process is "legitimate", but that tanking "has no place in our game." Furthermore, Silver warned the teams that the league would take action against organizations that tanked. Silver said that the league "will continue to monitor closely the play of all teams during the remainder of the season." It will be interesting to see what effect Silver's memo has on the league.

Silver's memo left no doubt about the league's opposition to tanking. Now, the responsibility is on the different organizations to field the best team possible and to implement a rebuilding plan that does not involve tanking.